Page 8 - Creating Our Tomorrow ...TODAY
P. 8

Social Engineering Removes Logic and Thrives on Emotion

               Social Engineering                                                                                                               Social Engineering has

               doesn't support our                                                                                                              trained our brains to use

         logical side (left brain).                                                                                                             emotions (right brain)

                                                                                                                                                as our dominant form of

                  The intention is to                                                                                                           communication.


                            our decisions                                                                                                       Controlled tactics

                              based upon                                                                                                        “hook and hold” our

                              our feelings                                                                                                      past emotions and

                                      and not                                                                                                   current feelings.

                             our thinking.

                                                                                                                                                We perceive and react

                          Feelings make                                                                                                         from an emotional place.

                           our decisions.

                                                                 Logical – Left 8                     8     Right – Emotional

                              - This isn’t Psychology, it’s the Brain’s Wiring and Natural Process -
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