Team Culture
Team Culture Program
Creating a Team Culture Responsive to Change eMod™
Courseware and Implementation
No matter where you are in the organizational cycle—birth, growth, maturity, senility, death, or mergers/acquisitions—each stage presents unique benefits and challenges for the organization culture. We’ve worked with them all.
After completing the Value-ation, a few selected organizations amid the Private Preview participants will have the opportunity for an initial team within their organization to be facilitated through the time-tested Team Culture Program (eMod-ular Software-Courseware and Implementation Workbook).
“No other presentation has ever elicited the incredible positive response
that this workshop generated…
designed to look at the destructive attitudes and behaviors that occur
in the workplace and at home…this unique process is sure to help our employees learn
the cause and effect of feelings to emotions; emotions to perspectives;
perspectives to attitudes; attitudes to behavior; and behavior to consequences.”
Toni Johnson, President
Solar Employees Association (Solar Turbines)
The Team Culture Program is an interpreter between principles and people.
» Introduces principles of how eMod-ular Adaptive Resistance™ and eMod-ular Adaptive Intelligence™ manifest in our perception, attitude, thinking, and behavior (PATB) using Dynamic Relational Models™ (DRMs™) to represent the interrelationship of the components
» Presents eMod-ular Adaptive Resistance™ in a non-confrontational and non-disclosing manner and brings to light patterns within organizations that are often unidentifiable, unnoticed, or worse yet ignored, allowing them to be addressed professionally with sensitivity
» Defines the nature and presence of duality by presenting eAdI™ as the complement to eAdR™, creating the convergence of opposing principles
» Showcases cause and effect as a theme that runs like a ribbon through the program, creating a foundation for discovery, discernment, and processes (Boolean logic)
» Reveals our innate connection to interdependency – to be part of the natural exchange of Leadership-Followship™ and Followship-Leadership™
» Creates an opportunity to assess the alignment between personal and organizational Vision, Mission, and Principles
» Develops thought-thinking-discernment-action processes to ensure understanding and application of the principles and concepts using the Socratic framework of Assess and Apply Content Reflections
» Incorporates exercises and tools that neutralize eAdR™ and strengthen eAdI™ to promote lasting change that can be utilized throughout the day, both privately and within a team collaboration environment
» Provides a simple but profound delivery architecture that creates meaningful learning experiences that don’t further overwhelm our brain, but instead use instructional methods and processes tailored to the way our human brain natural functions
» Engages and enhances whole brain integration that supports various learning styles and abilities, and overcomes common learning difficulties/disorders
» Activates a transformational un-learning and re-learning process that creates an environment and educational experience allowing participants to excel beyond their limiting beliefs and misconceptions by tapping into the participant’s hidden capacity/hidden reserves (Accelerated Learning)
» Integrates accountability components and optional evidence-based reporting
» Gains immediate and incremental value (both instant and continual opportunities to learn and improve over time)
» Enables participants to ePublish AdI™ add-on insights, known as eMod App-ons™, to develop a deeper sense of ownership over the content and principles, aligning with the organization’s vision
» … to name a few
“The illiterate of the 21st century
will not be those who cannot read and write,
but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
Alvin Toffler
Eminent Futurist, Businessman, and Philosopher
The success of eMod-ular Software-Courseware is anchored in its proprietary Personal Learning Technology (PLT™) delivery method and the creation of the concept and application of principle-based Dynamic Relational Models™ (DRM™).
The intentional architecture of Dynamic Relational Models™ showcases the duality of nature. This visual complement ignites an un-learning and re-learning process.
- Un-learning – creates awareness, provides understanding, expands perception, and fosters discernment as it relates to thought-thinking processes and behaviors that are limiting, fear-based, and often destructive
- Re-learning – provides choices founded in cause-and-effect principles, offers as a new way to think about and approach life experiences, awakens and/or strengthens self-authority, self-responsibility and self-accountability, promotes personal empowerment and experiential applications
By interacting with the courseware and models, you are interacting with living principles; there is an elevated exchange between the nature of the technology itself and the individual using it. There is a remembrance that happens with principles; they have adaptogenic properties. Principles might be ignored but they never expire.
The Course’s efficacy has been third-party tested in challenging environments, including among the homeless, institutionalized men, battered woman, and addiction recovery. This independent verification confirmed its significant impact, with improvements exceeding one standard deviation and a T factor of 95 or greater, indicating that 95+% of the positive outcomes can be attributed as a direct result of eMod-ular Software-Courseware delivery and content.
When I learned what “the root” was, I changed.
That change has stuck with me for 15 years.
Without your program,
I wouldn’t have been alive to experience
any of the above [family and fulfillment],
let alone do anything about it.
What a blessing.”
Letter 15 Years Later
Rod – Recovery Participant in Third-Party Testing
“I have been hiring from your labor pool for almost two years
and have always been impressed
with the quality of employees I’ve received.
I’m amazed at the level of motivation and confidence
displayed in their work ethic and attitude…
In addition to seeing an impressive 22 % increase
in sales generated by the thirteen part time workers
I contracted from you…
Very impressive for people who were just months ago
were unemployed and homeless.”.
Robert Giambelluca
Circulation Director, Blade Citizen Newspaper
eMod-ular Software Courseware has proven effective across diverse sectors, including enterprise clients like Boeing and Solar Turbines, small businesses like Rose Toyota (the first dealer in the USA), youth sports, public schools, churches, addiction recovery programs including the FAA Aftercare Program, social model programs, and services for the homeless, among others.
eAdI™ has been successfully applied with Team Insight
to ensure practical application of the principles in the daily interactions and
thereby influencing the immediate cultural environments and their related communities.
““Our company has attained a new level of productivity…
all of our management has experienced
the [Pocket Wisdom] Series and
the results are outstanding…
employees are more excited about their jobs…
when we work together and treat each other
with respect, we all win.”
Byron Rose
General Manager of Rose Toyota (First Toyota Dealer in the USA)
Endevco used the program to save a valuable senior executive
that would have been difficult to replace. …
[We] were committed to taking corrective action…
had your services not been available to us, t
his twenty year plus employee
would have been discharged and
his valuable “know how” would have walked out the door with him.”
Phil Conrad – President of Endevco
“…The program had not only an immediate impact
on the behavior of the girls,
but also affected their performance weeks and even months later.
I submit that these will, in fact,
be lifelong changes that have occurred in these young women.”
Jim Schmedding – Former San Diego Charger (Pro Football) and
Executive Director of American Youth Sports Association
Additional Opportunities of Engagement
Your Content Enhanced with AdI™ DRMs™ and Principles and Published as eMod Apps™ –
AwareComm’s No-Code eMod™ Publishing
AwareComm® offers the opportunity to infuse AdI™ content, principles, and models into the organization’s existing content (training, marketing, etc.) using AwareComm’s No-Code ePublishing Software including the creation of eMod Apps™ as well as the branding and configuration of the eMod App™ menus. This integration allows for continuity of message as a foundation for the organization.
Home and Community Outreach Programs
Licensed Copies of eMod™ Team Culture Course
The skills of eMod-ular Adaptive Intelligence don’t just benefit the organization alone. Those same employees bring their skills of adaptive intelligence home to their families, to church with their congregation, to clubs with their fellow members, and to recreation hubs with their teammates.
To support the participants in growing and sustaining their adaptive intelligence, AwareComm® has a Home Outreach Program for selected organizations. This Outreach program equips not only your team with tools for professional development but also includes a home-use license. This allows them to extend the same principles to the environment that most impacts their work ethic and productivity: their home life.
AwareComm® also offers a Community Outreach Program, where selected organizations can match and extend the benefits of the Home Outreach Program by providing licenses to local community organizations. This initiative aims to enhance the well-being and development of the broader community.